About Us
SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a global player in API manufacturing having a strong research and manufacturing team supported by state of the art facilities. What started off as a single facility – single product manufacturing company in 1990 grew to be a multi-location group having product list spreading across an array of therapeutic segments. SMS was given the export house status in the year 1997-98.
Vacancy Details
- Department: Production / QC / Regulatory Affairs
- Education: M.Sc / B.Sc / B.Pharmacy
- Experience: 0 to 05
- Openings: 29
Walk-In interview date : 10th – 11th Dec’ 2021
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Venue: SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited, Unit-II: S.V. Co – Operative Industrial Estate, Bachupally, Miyapur, Hyderabad-500 090, Telangana, INDIA.
Email: admin_unit2@smspharma.com
Candidate must carry 1) Resume 2) Three Months’ Pay slips 3) Pass port size photo.
Male Candidates only. Candidates who has mother tongue telugu.