About Us

Novick Bio-Sciences is a rapidly-growing Contract Research and Development Organization (CRDO) providing chemistry and formulation development services to Global Pharmaceutical, Bio-tech, Agrochemical Research Organizations and Academics to help our customers achieve their goals.
Our commitment to scientists and researches alike is to offer the highest quality products with the most competitive pricing in a time effective manner delivering the research tools necessary in today’s competitive landscape.
We are Hiring Freshers for our R&D center located at Hyderabad
Vacancy Details:
- Department: R&D
- Designation: Trainee Chemist / Research Associate / Sr. Research Associate
- Qualification: M.Sc (Organic Chemistry)
- Experience: 0 to 5 yrs
Date of Interviews: 1st to 15th November’ 2021 (Sunday is Holiday)
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Ground Floor, Techni Towers,
Balanagar, Hyderabad-500037
Landmark: Opposite to NIPER
Documents For Experienced : Latest 3 Months Payslips, ID Proofs
Note: Those who are unable to attend the interview can share their profiles to recruitment@novickbio.com