KEKULE PHARMA LTD is a leading intermediates and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) manufacturing company specializing in the development of innovative processes for the synthesis of a wide range of products.
Vacancy Details
- Department: Production / Maintenance / Quality Assurance
- Role: Executive / Chemist / Operator / Fitter
- Education: B.Sc / B.A / B.Com / B.Tech / Diploma / M.Sc / ITI / 10th
- Experience: 01 to 05 yrs
- Location: Hyderabad
Walk in interviews on 03rd & 04th Dec 2021
Time: 10:00 am to 04:00 pm.
Venue: KEKULE PHARMA LTD, MIA Kazipally Village, Jinnaram Mandal, Sanga Reddy District, Telangana
Route:- Balanagar-Chintal-Jeedimetla-Shapur-Gandimaisamma-Dundigul-Kazipally X Road-Thanda-Mylan-TIDC-Next Kekule.
Note:- Only Telangana & Andhra Pradesh Candidates Preferable.
Contact Number:-9490736359, 9949536939