Hetero is a globally renowned vertically integrated pharmaceutical player engaged in research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of high-quality chemical and biologic medicines across diverse therapeutic areas. Backed by 27+ years of expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, Hetero’s strategic business areas spread across APIs, Global Generics, Biosimilars and Custom Pharmaceutical Services. The company is among the largest producers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in the world.
Vacancy Details
- Department: CSV (ITQA) / Engineering
- Role: Trainee / Jr. Officer / Jr. Technician
- Qualification : M.Sc (Organic/ Analytical chemistry) & ITI Fitter / Diploma Mechanical @ Fresher’s .
- 2016 /19/20/21 Passedouts
Candidates looking for only Andhra & Telangana
Date: 19/12/2021(Sunday),
Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue : Hetero corporate office,7-2-A2, Industrial Estates, Opp police station, Sanath nagar Hyderabad-500018.
Documents to be Carried: Updated Resume ,2 Photo copies , Certificate Xerox’s