Puniska Healthcare is a privately-owned healthcare company founded in 2017 and it is a part of Puniska Group of Companies. Puniska Group of Companies is engaged in Healthcare, Real estate and Finance. Puniska Healthcare has an experienced team of unmatched know-how in development and manufacturing parenteral products focusing on therapeutics like Analgesics, Anesthetics, Antiemetics, Anti-infectives and Cardiac.
Vacancy Details
- Department: Manufacturing
- Qualification: M. Pharm/ B.Pharm/Diploma / B.Sc/ITI
- Total Experience: 02 to 07 years
- Area: Aseptic-Controlled area (sealing, filling, bag printing,autoclave, washing, etc.), Production QMS and Packing
- Line: Bag line, TS, Vial, LYO (isolator)
- Positions: Executives – 20 & Operators – 30
Interview Date: 09-JAN-22
Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Venue: Puniska Pharma,Survey No. 168/ 1, Pipan, Sanand Bavla Highway, Sanand, Dist : Ahmedabad – 382110
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