Innoxel Lifesciences Private Limited is a 2 years 1 month old Private Company incorporated on 16 Oct 2020. Its registered office is in Vadodara, Gujarat, india.
The Company’s status is Active, and it has filed its Annual Returns and Financial Statements up to 31 Mar 2021 (FY 2020-2021). It’s a company limited by shares having an authorized capital of Rs 7,000.00 lakh and a paid-up capital of Rs 3,130.70 lakh as per MCA.
Vacancy Details
Department: Production
- Designation: Officer / Sr. Officer / Executive / Sr. Executive
- Experience: 2to7 Years
- Qualification: B.Pharm / M.Pharm
Department: Quality Assurance (Qualification/ Validation)
- Designation: Officer/ Executive/Sr. Executive
- Experience: M.Pharm /M.Sc/B.Pharm/
- work profile: Relevant experience in Manufacturing, Packing, Media fill, cleaning validation and Process validation
- Note: Candidates are more preferable with experience in handling isolator
Quality Assurance (QA of QC)
- Designation: Executive Sr. Executive /Assistant Manager
- Qualification: B.Sc/ M.Pharm / M.Sc / B.Pharm
- Exp: 6 to10 Years
- work profile: Relevant experience in Quality control and Microbiology assurance.
Department: Warehouse
- Designation: Officer/ Executive/Sr. Executive
- Qualification: B.Sc/ M.Pharm / M.Sc / B.Pharm
- Exp: 4 to 8 Years
Date: 11″ December’2022
Time: 10 AM to 5 PM
Venue: Innoxel Lifesciences Private Limited. Survey No. 534/1, Village Jambudiya Pura, Nr. VCA Stadium, Tal. Waghodiya, Dist. Vadodara
Freshers are not required to appear for the above positions but they can share their resumes at

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