Ministry of Ayush Government of India in partnership with is organizing a short video making competition as a part of the Ayurveda Day 2022 celebrations. The participants can submit a video of not more than 03 minutes in Hindi and English languages on themes, which are in consonance with the main theme of this year’s Ayurveda Day i.e. “Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda”
Theme 1: Ayurveda in my day.
Theme 2: Ayurveda in my kitchen.
Theme 3: Ayurveda in my garden.
Theme 4: Ayurveda in my farm.
Theme 5: Ayurveda in my food/diet.
Three top winners will be selected from each theme i.e. a total of 15 winners will be awarded prize ranging from Rs. 75,000/- to Rs. 25,000/-. The competition is open to all citizens/Indian Nationals above the age of 18 years and last date of submission is 10th October 2022. More details about the competition and process of submitting the video can be obtained from
Ayurveda is perceived as one of the most ancient and well documented system of medicine, which is equally relevant in modern times. Ministry of Ayush is organizing various programs in partnership with Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education and supported of other Ministries and departments of the GoI, State governments, and UTs to take benefits of Ayurveda to the grass root level.
Ministry of Ayush had inaugurated the six-week long programme (12th September-23rd October) highlighting various themes and key events, with All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi as the nodal institute to execute these programs. The programme will see participation from various stakeholders with the aim of 3Js – Jan Sandesh, Jan Bhagidari, and Jan Aandolan. Ministry of Ayush celebrates Ayurveda Day every year on the occasion of Dhanwantari Jayanti (Dhanteras) since 2016. This year it will be celebrated on 23rd October 2022.
Eligibility Criteria:
- This contest is open only for Indian Citizens.
- Participation can either be in the form of individual participation or Team participation
- Each team to have a maximum of 5 participants.
- All entries for the Short Video Contest must be submitted in form of YouTube link . Entries submitted through any other medium / mode will not be entertained nor considered for evaluation.
- The duration of the short video should not be more than 03 minutes (180 seconds)
- The video can be in any of the following languages: Hindi or English.
- The content of the Short Video should be suitable for Universal viewing. Video must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content since the short video is intended for viewing by all age groups. Any politically inclined or offensive content / violation of community standards, will not be entertained and will be treated as an offense under Cyber Law
- Entry Forms with incorrect / inadequate / illegible / ambiguous / incomplete particulars will not be considered. Organizers reserve the right to accept or refuse any video without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- Once a video is submitted for selection, it will be considered as final and no changes will be entertained after submission.
- Participant shall make sure that his/her personal profile is accurate and updated on MyGov since Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA will be using this for further communication. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be entertained nor considered.
- Competition entries will not be returned. Therefore, maintain a copy of your entries.
- Videos can be shot on a Mobile camera also. Please ensure the videos shot, are in good quality in ratio 16:9 in Horizontal format. Videos shot using vertical formats will not be accepted.
- Participants will be asked for identification of proofs, if deemed as winners.
- If the participant does not meet the eligibility requirement or is subject to any other entry restriction, the participants will not be adjudged as the winner and will not be entitled to any prize in any circumstance.
- All communications between the Organizers and team leader will be done through the registered email only. This will be the only form of communication and no other form of communication will be entertained.
- The entries received a prize for Short Video, will be the intellectual property of the Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA and the winner cannot exercise any right over it, after acceptance of the prize.
- The prize-winning Short Video is meant to be used by the Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative by Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA and not for any commercial purpose.
- The submissions should be of original works and no plagiarism will be entertained/ considered for evaluation. The participant shall indemnify Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA for any issue arising out of plagiarism and the participant concerned shall be personally liable for the same.
- Anyone found infringing on others copyright, would be disqualified from the Contest. Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA does not hold any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
- Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA reserve the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Contest and/or the Terms & Conditions/ Evaluation Criteria. However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions/ Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Contest, will be updated/ posted on contest page on the MyGov platform. Participants are responsible to keep themselves informed of any changes in the Terms & Conditions/ Evaluation criteria stated for this Contest
- The Participant(s) represent(s) and warrant(s) that he/she will comply with all the applicable Indian laws. The Participant(s) shall not disclose and/or use any information, if doing so is in violation of any obligation against confidentiality.
- Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA reserves the right to reject any entry of the participant without assigning any reason.
- Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury of any kind suffered by any participants in entering the Contest, including as a result of any participant winning or not winning any prize.
- Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA will not be held responsible, if the participants are not able to upload their entries on MyGov before the last date & time of submission for any reason whatsoever.
- Entries must be made by or before the closing date and time and in the manner set out in the Contest’s Terms and Conditions. Failure to do so, will result in disqualification.
- Multiple submissions of entries by the same participant in one theme will not be considered. However, a participant may send entries in multiple themes.
- The Contestant shall be responsible for any and all taxes payable on the prize money received.
- In the event any of the contestant choose not to receive the prize money the prize money shall be forfeited and dealt by Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA at their discretion
- The courts of Delhi alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with and decide any dispute whatsoever arising out of this Contest.
- Employees of Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA and their immediate family members including spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law are not eligible to participate in this contest.
- The Panel of Jury will assess all the qualified entries received for award.
- The decision of the Panel of Jury will be final and binding on all the Contestants and no clarifications in this regard will be issued to any participants for any of their decisions.
- In case of any dispute arising out of the Contest /its entries/ winners, Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA decision will be final and binding on the contestants and no Correspondence will be entertained.
- Entries shall be evaluated for deciding about the prize(s) by the jury based on the content, video’s Quality and appropriateness to the theme.
- Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA reserves its right to rationalize the prize(s), in case the entries do not conform to the Quality and appropriateness to the themes. The decision of Ministry of AYUSH (MoA)/AIIA with regard to this, will be final and binding on the contestants.
Procedure To Send Entries:
- The entries must be submitted on MyGov.
- Along with the necessary details, a YouTube link of the video and synopsis needs to be added.
- The video needs to be uploaded on to YouTube as UNLISTED.
- Please ensure the videos are shot in ratio 16:9 in Horizontal format. Videos shot using vertical formats will not be accepted
- Captions and credits, if any, must be in legible font and colour and must be within the acceptable areas.
- Storyboards, scripts as Word or PDF documents or pictures will not be accepted as entries.
- Results will be declared on MyGov.