YELURI FORMULATIONS PVT.LTD. is a high-tech pharmaceutical plant ideally located in the fastest-growing, world famous I.T. City of Hyderabad which is well connected by air-road. It ensures timely deliveries to country’s important destination, but also minimises distribution expenditure. Right from its inception, the company endeavoured to enhance the quality of life, by innovating,breaking new ground, exploring the world’s most advanced technologies to produce the quality pharma products. The company is financially stable, has proven leadership with over 25 years of pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing experience.
Vacancy Details
Department: Production / QA / QC / Microbiology / Fresh Pharma Graduates / Machine Operators
Position: Executive / Chemist / Operators
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc., , B.Pharm, M.Pharm, ITI
Experience: 01 to 03 Years
No of Positions: 31
Job Location: Hyderabad
Date: 25th Sep’ 2022
Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
VENUE: SY NO: 296/7/6, IDA Bollaram, Medak District – 502325
Contact: 9912123713, 830943668, 7731009839