Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd. was named after the Bird “Indian Swiftlet” that is amongst the fastest flying bird in the world spending most of its life flying in air from which we derive our philosophy of inception that lies in speed, growth and persistence. Twenty Years on, what has stayed in our organization’s inheritance is the same spirit of flying high with pride. We are today an integrated pharmaceutical organization with global footprints
Vacancy Details
- Department: Production
- Role: Jr. Chemist to Sr. Chemist
- Qualification: B.Sc / M.Sc / Diploma
- Experience: 01 to 05 years
- Location: Derabassi
Date: 5th Aug’ 2022
Venue: Ind Swift Laboratories ltd,Vill. Bhawanpur, Barwala Road, Derabassi, Mohali, Punjab
Send your CV to:
Contact No: 89683 74200