About Us

Atul established successful joint venture companies with world-renowned multi-national companies namely American Cyanamid Company (now a part of BASF AG and Pfizer Inc) in 1947, Imperial Chemical Industries plc (now a part of Akzo Nobel and Astra Zeneca plc) in 1955 and Ciba-Geigy Ltd (now a part of BASF AG and Huntsman Corporation) in 1960.
Atul was founded on September 05, 1947 – a month after Indian independence – by Kasturbhai Lalbhai, an institution builder par excellence and a legendary Indian of his times. The Company was a manifestation of his dream to generate large-scale employment, create wealth in rural India and make the country self-sufficient in its requirements of chemicals.
Vacancy Details
- Departments: Production / QA / QC / R&D / Process Safety / Production Planning / Process Engineering / Maintenance / ETP / Finance / Legal / Sales / Business Development / Product Management / Trading
- Qualification: M.Sc / BE / B.Tech / Ph.D / B.Sc / B.Co / M.com / Any Degree
- Experience: Freshers & Experienced Candidates
- Location: Atul / Valsad / Ankleshwar / Thane / Panoli / Vadodara / Mumbai
Interviews Date & Time: 13th November’ 2021 / 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- individuals who have cleared 10% and 12″ in the first attempt
- BCom, BSc. MCom, MSc (50% and above in all academic years, with no failure or drop in any subject or year
- Diploma. BE or BTech (95% and above in all academic years. with no failure or drop n any subject or year
- CA | CMA candidates with maximum two attempts
- Candidates must not have ATKTs, backlogs or gaps in any semester
- Candidates who have attended interviews during the past six months will not be considered
Candidates are requested to bring a copy of their updated CV, @ recent passport size (colored) photograph and original certificates at the time of their interview.
you are not able to attend on the scheduled date, you may send your CV to careers@atulco.in