Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

For availing the Aadhar Card DOB Limit Cross Solution, Residents are required to submit a self-declaration affirming their request for an update of Date of Birth (DOB), even after utilizing the permitted opportunity of a one-time chance for DOB updation. The self-declaration should also include an acknowledgment that the individual is fully aware that no further updates to the Aadhaar information will be possible thereafter. In the case of minors, the self declaration must be signed by the parent or legal guardian.

When there isn’t any attempts left to update date of birth in Aadhaar, and if your case is genuine then the Aadhar Card DOB Limit Cross Solution comes to play.

First of all you need to visit the Aadhaar Seva Kendra

Fill up the Aadhaar Correction Form, enclose your DOB Document and submit the Date of Birth Update Request at Aadhaar Seva Kendra

Once the request has been raised for the DOB Update, the Aadhaar Seva Kendra Executive will provide you an Aadhar Card Date of Birth Change Acknowledgement Slip. For updating any field in Aadhaar you need to pay the regular applicable charges at the Seva Kendra.

If the limit for updating your Date of Birth (DOB) has been exhausted and you choose to wait for the DOB update to occur after submitting a request at Aadhaar Seva Kendra. Subsequently, within a few days, your request for a DOB update will be declined, citing the reason that you have surpassed the allowable limit for DOB updates.

To Solve this, after raising the request for DOB Update you need to email UIDAI or even after your request for DOB Update has got rejected you can submit the Update Request Number of DOB Correction Receipt to consider for the exception update.

Below is the Aadhar DOB limit cross self declaration form also known as dob exception self declaration form, which needs to be filled duly and submitted to update date of birth in Aadhaar when limit is crossed.

The Aadhaar holder needs to take a printout of the above Aadhar DOB Limit Cross Self Declaration Form, fill it completely

Once filling up the Limit Cross Aadhar Card DOB Change Form, Scan it and store it on your device

Then scan rest of the documents such as Date of Birth Document, Existing Aadhaar, and the Aadhaar Update Receipt which you recently received after placing DOB Update request

Next you will have to email UIDAI on by setting subject line as Aadhar Limit Cross and in body type below content by filling your details in the blank fields:


The Unique Identification Department of India (UIDAI)

Subject: Aadhaar Card Limit Cross

Date: __/__/____

I, [Your Name], a permanent resident of [Your Full Address], have inadvertently crossed the Date of Birth (DOB) limit on my Aadhaar card. I kindly request the assistance of the team to update my Aadhaar card DOB at the earliest convenience. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Please find attached all the required documents below:

Aadhaar Card
Birth Certificate
Aadhaar Limit Cross Self-Declaration Form
Aadhaar DOB Update Enrollment Slip

Name: __________

With the email don’t forget to attach your DOB Document, Aadhaar Card, Aadhar Limit Cross Self Declaration Form (Date of Birth Cross Limit Request Letter) and Aadhar DOB Update Enrollment Slip.

Once you send this email, The Registration Officer (RO) will diligently conduct the necessary assessment to verify the authenticity of an update request that exceeds the prescribed threshold. The RO may request additional information from the resident and, if necessary, conduct a field investigation to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the requested update.

If the Registration Officer (RO) confirms that the update request is genuine, the case will be forwarded to the Technology Centre for processing or reprocessing the request.

The above is the Aadhar Card DOB Limit Cross Solution, which can be used when you have exhausted all limits.

By Sivamin

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