Atul established successful joint venture companies with world-renowned multi-national companies namely American Cyanamid Company (now a part of BASF AG and Pfizer Inc) in 1947, Imperial Chemical Industries plc (now a part of Akzo Nobel and Astra Zeneca plc) in 1955 and Ciba-Geigy Ltd (now a part of BASF AG and Huntsman Corporation) in 1960.
Atul was founded on September 05, 1947 – a month after Indian independence – by Kasturbhai Lalbhai, an institution builder par excellence and a legendary Indian of his times. The Company was a manifestation of his dream to generate large-scale employment, create wealth in rural India and make the country self-sufficient in its requirements of chemicals.
Vacancy Details
Departments: Maintenance
- Qualification: B.E / B.Tech
- Experience: 05 to 09 years
- Location: Atul / Valsad
Date: 12th June’ 2022
Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Venue: Amal Limited, Corporate HR, East Site, Atul 396 020
Applicants who are unable to attend interview can mail your resumes to