Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Credo Life one place for credibility, commitment, quality and delivery on time. Promoted by a dynamic team of techno-commercial professionals with decades of experience in the Pharmaceutical world. Our promoter’s moto is deeply rooted in the belief of maintaining business ethics and to meet customer satisfaction. We know that the only way to achieve excellence in our company is to align our human resources with this objective. That is why we strive to surround ourselves with reliable people, of youthful spirit and honest heart, enterprising and perseverant. We wish to be recognized worldwide by our quality, flexibility and friendly service.

  • Designation: Technician / Research Associate / Trainee / Assistant
  • Qualification: B.Sc / M.Sc / B.Pharm / M.Pharm / Diploma / ITI / SSC
  • Experience: 01-06 yrs
  • Total No. of Positions: 25
  • Job Location: Nandigam, Telangana

Interested candidates can share their CV to mail ID:
Contact on: 9100997463

By Sivamin

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